Events - 18.05.2022

Focus on Wealth Management

Organised by Luxembourg for Finance

Registrations closed


Focus on Wealth Management

Luxembourg today acts as one of the EU’s leading onshore hubs for global wealth management. With geopolitical risks at their highest levels since WWII and a shifting macro-economic environment that is cause for concern, stability and a long track record of financial expertise are all the more important.

In our Focus On event we will bring together experts from across the field. Our first panel, moderated by Jerry Grbic, CEO of the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association, touches on the cornerstone of Luxembourg’s expertise, namely cross-border private banking. Falk Fischer, CEO of Bank Julius Baer Europe, Luca Derlin, Head of International Private Banking at Deutsche Bank and Olga Bogdanova, Director – Head of Investment Counselling at Citi Private Bank Luxembourg will highlight new solutions needed for international investors, the current growth agenda, and the competitive advantages found in Luxembourg. They are followed by a fireside chat with Pascal Rapallino, the President of the Luxembourg Association of Family Offices, on investment trends and the great wealth transfer to the next generation.

The second panel of the day, moderated by Alice Danoy, Director and Head of Innovation at KPMG Luxembourg, features Adina Grigoriu, CEO of Active Asset Allocation, Gaëlle Haag, CEO of Capitana and Bertrand Kauffmann, Global Head of Market Solutions and Chief Digital Officer at Société Générale Luxembourg that push innovation and will examine the important balancing act between physical and digital that wealth managers today must perform. They’ll discuss the importance of having fully integrated digital tools that connect both clients and managers and the new approaches offered by big tech.

We’ll close the event with Christian Gibot, CEO of Cardif Lux Vie and the new President of the Luxembourg Insurance and Reinsurance Association, on the role of life insurance as a tool for wealth management and its various uses.

If you are unable to follow the livestream, or miss part of it, a REPLAY session will be made available after the event.

For information regarding the event, please contact the Event team: Tatjana Schaefer or Aurélie Zambeaux


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