Events - 09 to 24.11.2020

ACA Insurance Days 2020

Organised by ACA

ACA Insurance Days 2020

The 8th edition takes place online for the first time with two hour sessions on 9, 12, 19 and 24 November.

Under the topic ‘The World After’, the ACA Insurance Days 2020 will offer more than eight hours of  ‘live’ and ‘replay’ exclusive contents related to Luxembourg’s expertise in insurance.

On the first day, Monday, 9 November 2020 |10:00-12:00, Nicolas Mackel, CEO, Luxembourg for Finance will join the panel: How Luxembourg’s financial sector is emerging from the Covid crisis?

HE Pierre Gramegna, Luxembourg’s Minister of Finance, will join the virtual Academic Session on Tuesday, 24 November | 17:00-19:00 and be part of a fireside chat with Marc Lauer, Chairman of ACA.

For more information on the ACA Insurance Days 2020 – The World After, please refer to the event web site.

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