A Comprehensive capital markets ecosystem

Whether a European investor wishes to buy green bonds issued by a Chinese bank or a US private equity firm wishes to invest in European assets that are acquired through a Luxembourg securitisation company, the Luxembourg capital markets value chain can offer the appropriate solution.

The advantage of the Luxembourg capital markets offering is that it can be used exactly where it is needed and can blend perfectly into an international structure with non-Luxembourg elements.

A leading eu hub for international investors

  • A leading financial centre in the EU (GFCI)
  • A comprehensive ecosystem geared towards cross-border financial services and products
  • The financial sector regulator accepts official documentation in English, French or German. Articles of incorporation can be submitted in English
  • A responsive regulator and EU-wide licensing of financial services
  • Europe’s leading investment fund centre
  • Consistently rated AAA by all three major credit-rating agencies
  • A politically stable country with very low public debt
  • A long track-record of innovation
  • The most multilingual country in Europe (Eurobarometer), 9th worldwide for English proficiency (EF English Proficiency Index 2019)

Highly developed market infrastructure

From listing and trading, to clearing and settlement, Luxembourg offers a solid capital markets environment within a highly developed market infrastructure. The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) is a global specialist in the listing of international securities and is well known for its fast, transparent and customer-focused listing process. For more than fifty years the Exchange has helped companies, institutions and governments around the globe access international capital markets. Furthermore, by listing new products such as green bonds, dim sum bonds and sukuk, it has actively contributed to innovation in the financial marketplace.

The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE): an exchange unlike any other

  • Leading venue for international bond listings in Europe
  • World’s first platform entirely dedicated to green social and sustainability bonds
  • 37,000+ securities listed
  • 100+ jurisdictions
  • 2,500+ issuers
  • 117 sovereigns
  • 15 public international bodies
  • 5,700 + share classes of UCIs listed
  • 10,400+ new listings in 2019
  • Listings in 60+ currencies

Luxembourg green exchange

LGX aims to provide issuers, asset managers and investors with an environment for bonds and funds which are green, social, sustainable, or ESG-focused

Julie Becker,
Deputy CEO, LuxSE

In September 2016 the Luxembourg Stock Exchange introduced the Luxembourg Green Exchange, or LGX, the world’s first platform that exclusively displays securities that raise proceeds for projects and companies that are fully aligned with recognised international sustainability standards.

With the creation of LGX, LuxSE has become the first exchange to establish a dedicated service that bridges investors’ need for increased transparency and issuers’ commitment to assure quality of reporting.

Today, LGX displays over 830 sustainable securities with a total issuance value of over USD 375 bn, accounting for approximately 50% of the amount of green, social and sustainable bonds listed worldwide. LGX also provides easy access to the Chinese domestic green bonds market, by making available information and data on green securities listed in China.

Luxembourg post-trade services

Over the past 50 years, Luxembourg’s strengths as a location have allowed Clearstream to grow into a leading post-trade market infrastructure provider. In a market environment defined by challenges such as digitisation, economic change and geopolitical uncertainty, we are convinced that Luxembourg’s innovative strength, excellent talent pool and quality as a location for strong partnerships will allow it to remain an attractive financial centre for the years to come.

Philippe Seyll,
CEO of Clearstream Banking S.A.

The listing and trading of securities is usually the most familiar part of the value chain. Less well-known is the area of post-trade, whereby, after listing and trading have been carried out, the buyer ultimately receives securities and the seller receives cash. Post-trade services are an indispensable part of the transaction and value chain.

The securities servicing industry is supported by a sophisticated intermediation structure that brings investors, issuers, and trading parties together.

More about

  • A Comprehensive capital markets ecosystem

    As the leading cross-border financial centre in the eurozone, Luxembourg has developed a comprehensive ecosystem, enabling investors to connect with international markets.

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  • International pioneer in debt Capital Markets

    The Luxembourg financial centre has developed a comprehensive range of services to meet the growing demands of debt capital markets and connect international investors and borrowers.

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  • Securitisation

    Throughout the years, Luxembourg has maintained its position as one of the leading centres for securitisation and structured finance vehicles.

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  • Initial public offerings (IPOs)

    Going public is a transformational event. To do so successfully, a company or its sponsors must navigate a long, complex process involving, inter alia, aspects relating to strategy, tax, accounting, reporting standards, treasury and financial risk management and governance.

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  • The future of Capital Markets

    Blockchain and DLT have impacts both in terms of defining new operating models or improving business models for existing capital markets, or bringing the benefits of market liquidity to new asset classes via a process known as tokenisation.

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  • Timeline of developments in luxembourg capital markets services

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